MSB CAMEOS by Nadia Missbach
Born to Russian German mother and Italian father, inherits two strong passions: Jewellery and fashion. Nadia Missbach has been so clever to channel a collection of cameo earrings which has a sophisticated appeal. Inspired by the rare shell cassis Madagascariensis, Nadia trusts only the best Italian artisanal experts, creating an original sensual collection between ancient decor and modern taste. In modern jewellery, artisanal work is pushed to the background by industrial mass production, obscured, underestimated. She believes that the mission of MSB CAMEOS is to bring back to the world the richest tradition of Italian craftsmen with all the magic they create. Adding a contemporary touch to the timeless beauty of a seashell, MSB CAMEOS bring innovation in respect of tradition and valorize the masterful work of Italian artisans. As Nadia puts it “In the heart of progress lies a tradition: we need to respect what came before us if we want to move on”.
What defines your style?
Our edgy designs appeal to real people and dust off the fluff from this great ancient technique. We offer something never done before, a modern classics combining a funny, reckless approach with a sense of eternity.
What are your most commonly used materials?
Like generations ago, cameos are meticulously crafted by hand out of deepwater Cassis madagascariensis, which is the most rare and valuable material due to its greatest color contrast and very slow growth rate. Cameos that we present today are true work of art, unparalleled in size, genuinely crafted by hand. Only 6 specimen out of 100,000 match the high standards of traditional Italian jewellers. Plus, in some of our creations we use precious stones.